Kontixu Visual es una división de Videoservicios que ofrece espacios, servicios y equipo para la producción de proyectos audiovisuales de cualquier tipo y tamaño. Nos especializamos en videos corporativos, empresariales, institucionales, entrevistas, eventos y producción en vivo, streaming, videos BPM (Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura), presentaciones, lanzamientos y más.
Kontixu Visual es una división de Videoservicios que ofrece espacios, servicios y equipo para la producción de proyectos audiovisuales de cualquier tipo y tamaño. Nos especializamos en videos corporativos, empresariales, institucionales, entrevistas, eventos y producción en vivo, streaming, videos BPM (Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura), presentaciones, lanzamientos y más.

Film Production Company in Mexico
En nuestra productora audiovisual en Mexico, podemos realizar cualquier estilo de visual, video animado, video empresa, video promocional, video creativo, video marketing, video corporativo. Somos cada día más una referencia en el sector y marcamos tendencia.
Somos una productora audiovisual de confianza con más de 15 en años en el sector audiovisual. Somos originales y únicos, todos nuestros proyectos son hechos de zero, moldeados uno a uno para desarrollar un video animado o corporativo a medida de nuestro cliente para cada producto, servicio o presentación.

Location is everything to get the message across to your audience and in an effective way. We take the hassle of researching which area best fits for a given task and make the necessary arrangements to secure it.
Sound Design & Lights
The right light and sound system helps a video to stand out among a large production arena. There is no doubt that people will become frustrated if they can’t hear or bad lighting affects them. We focus on choosing and setting up the area according to the production needs to achieve the desired goals.
3D Animation
If you need your video to be animated and contain special effects, our production team will get the job done. This post-production feature, as critical as it is, will be perfect before submission to the wider public. We know the limit when it comes to effects and animations, so it doesn’t draw away from the real basis of the video.
Script Writing
Not sure what to put on paper that will attract and entertain your audience? We do! Our team is experienced in providing all the content you need based on the products and services you need to reach your audience. Also, it is not only based on your brand, but any script needed for video production, make it known, and the team will do the rest.
Films & Tv Production
We will provide all the tools and necessary equipment for setup and efficient shooting as well as assess which equipment best suits the type of production you are seeking. After all, not all tools work for every video production, and we are here to help you along the right path.
Filming Aerial Drone
Kontixu Visuals is providing aerial and ground photos and video for whatever your need is! From real estate photography and video tours to short commercials for your business, Kontixu Visuals has got you covered. With competitive prices, we offer high-quality photography and video to fit your needs.
Live video streaming can be used for various events such as Meetings, Trade Shows, Presentations, Training Sessions, Continuing Education, Remote Interviews, Lectures, Concerts, Political Coverage, Sports, and more.
Granjas 4565, Priv. San Ángel,
C.P. 30105, Chihuahua, Chih.
+52 (614) 1317880
Tecnologico 4645, Priv. La paz,
C.P. 30105, Cancun, Mexico.
+52 (614) 1317880

© 2020 by Nikola Anakabe Kontixu Visual Video Producciones